I should be waiting until I actually *do* the project, but I can't wait! I'll keep it short, though.
I love Almond Milk, and I've been buying the Almond Breeze for my yummy drinking needs (it's a little sweet for cooking with). However, if you look at the label, you'll see that it's got all kinds of preservatives and cane sugar. So not in tune with my burgeoning Paleo Lifestyle.
Now I read a lot of blogs, particularly of the Paleo and Gluten free lifestyle, and I know that people make almond milk all the time. But my question to all you lucky people who do is:
How the heck do you afford it? Almonds are freaking expensive!
And my local grocery stores only have raw almonds sporadically. But at nearly $8.00 a lb, it's not feasible enough to get some for munching on (I'm not a huge breakfast person, so I rely on a handful of almonds to get my protein intake started each day), some for almond butter that DaMan likes to use occasionally in Smoothie recipes.
So I bit the bullet and bought what I thought was a pretty good deal on bulk almonds online. 10lbs for $30.00, with shipping at $11.35. We'll see what they are like when I get them.
This means I will be able to do what I've wanted to do for a long time. Make my own Almond Milk!!!
But not only that! I'll also get to make almond flour from drying and grinding the left over almond pulp from making the milk.
Do you know what that means???
I can have the occasionally CRUNCHY food again! Almond flour can be used to coat veggies for baking or roasting, you can also use it in place of all-purpose flour for baking, too. Heck, a whole new world will open up!
I can't wait for those almonds to get here....and I'll keep you posted on how things go... :)
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