I make and have a lot of necklaces. I have a jewelry box that I don't love. It doesn't organize well, and the spot to hang necklaces is down the back, so you can't see them unless you stand over the box, peering in. It's just not convenient.
I've been toying with the idea for a way to hang my necklaces so that they are all visible, and yet compact. Here's what I did.
I had an old framed cork-board & some tiny J hooks (or coffee cup hooks). Viola!
Yes, it's another crappy cell phone pic, but I'll take a better one at a later date. I promise! |
Why would I post an unfinished project here, you might ask? Well, I think I have a good reason. One, I put making this necklace board for months, even though I really needed it. My brain was swirling with the "I can't-s" as in, "I can't do that because I haven't picked out the pretty paper," and "I can't pick out the paper until I paint the walls in the room," and so on. I'm a master of procrastination for this very reason. So I stopped, did the what I needed to get the quick fix, and the pretty comes when it comes.
That's my new Junque-ology rule to live by. I hope you like it.
I likey this idea. May have to create one for myself. I think I'll pass this on to my granddaughter and see what she can come up with for her own room. I also see as a project/gift idea for my mom.
I like- very clever! And, if you are a bargain bin hunter (like me!) you might find scrap fabric to cover the entire board with. :thumbsup: Just wrap and staple to the back of the frame. :)